Freyja's Tails

Hello and welcome to the very first "Freyja's Tails".

My mistress and I are pawing our way through building the masters brand new website.
… hopefully he should have a new website running smoothly very soon.

Viewers to the website may remember the old blog
"Purdeys Dog Blog", I have heard many tales about this remarkable dog and I hope to follow in those famous paws and do her proud.

I came to live with my owners in May 2016 and have established a bit of a reputation as a magpie in the masters studio. How can any self respecting Parson Jack Russell resist the lure of pouches of Sennelier acrylic, putty rubbers, Pitt pens, pencils.. oh I could go on but its a bit embarrasing.

Bringing us up to date, the master is very busy writing his new book about oil pastel ( yes I have stolen them too) for Search Press.
He is also fitting in time to cut and store firewood to keep the logburner cosy for me to warm my paws by.

Goodbye for now, keep logging in to see how my mistress grows this brand new site.

Freyja x