Freyja`s Tails
26/11/17 12:02
Hello and welcome to the November doggy blog Freyja`s Tails,
November has been very busy in the Fisher household, the house has been busy with workmen converting the house from oil to gas central heating. I am looking forward to a warm toasty house this winter.
The master has been extra busy creating oil pastel paintings for the new Oil Pastel book and doing his author duties.
Last week I waved him off to drive down to Tunbridge Wells to do his 3 day photo shoot for Search Press. On his return I overheard him telling the mistress about the photographer and the high tech camera he was using. I am afraid I got into a bit of trouble as the camera was so sophisticated it kept showing my dog hairs up on my masters paintings and attached to his oil pastel sticks ! Oh well, I had to send a little bit of myself along to be included in the book.
After eavesdropping on my owners I can reveal exclusively to readers of this blog that I do appear in the book…. My master does a "Pawtrait" of me in the painting animals section, I am so thrilled and will of course be on paw to sign any books you good people out there wish to purchase.
On the home front, today sees my master doing some Sunday DIY and later on I have been promised a nice long walk.
Right I must sign off for now, the log burner isn't alight yet, so I must seek out the big furry fleece blanket and burrow down for a quick forty winks.
See you all next month,
Freyja x
November has been very busy in the Fisher household, the house has been busy with workmen converting the house from oil to gas central heating. I am looking forward to a warm toasty house this winter.
The master has been extra busy creating oil pastel paintings for the new Oil Pastel book and doing his author duties.
Last week I waved him off to drive down to Tunbridge Wells to do his 3 day photo shoot for Search Press. On his return I overheard him telling the mistress about the photographer and the high tech camera he was using. I am afraid I got into a bit of trouble as the camera was so sophisticated it kept showing my dog hairs up on my masters paintings and attached to his oil pastel sticks ! Oh well, I had to send a little bit of myself along to be included in the book.
After eavesdropping on my owners I can reveal exclusively to readers of this blog that I do appear in the book…. My master does a "Pawtrait" of me in the painting animals section, I am so thrilled and will of course be on paw to sign any books you good people out there wish to purchase.
On the home front, today sees my master doing some Sunday DIY and later on I have been promised a nice long walk.
Right I must sign off for now, the log burner isn't alight yet, so I must seek out the big furry fleece blanket and burrow down for a quick forty winks.
See you all next month,
Freyja x