Feeling sorry for myself ...

Hello and welcome to my July blog,

July has been another record breaking month weather wise, my owners have very wisely been getting up early to take me for a walk before the sunshine gets too hot.
The Patchings Festival went very well mid July, I sensibly stayed with my owners parents and spent a happy few days being spoilt with the occasional ginger nut !

The school holidays are also now upon us and the grandson has been staying, so I have a super playmate to have adventures and cuddles with and paddles in the river.

My Master took a few days off following the Patchings Festival, he has mended his log splitter and made a beautiful new wooden pastel box.
I am most pleased about the log splitter, as already thinking ahead to the winter months and lying by the log burner toasting my paws.

Readers may be wondering as you read my blog as to this months title…well let me begin.
Firstly, I must congratulate myself for writing this blog today after the consequences of the last 24 hours.

It began yesterday afternoon, when my owners noticed that my face was starting to swell, it felt a bit weird so I snuggled on the sofa for a nap.
At bedtime my face was really swollen and parts of my body too, my Mistress called our super vet on call number and Giles answered. He suggested it may be a reaction to a bite and to use an ice pack during the night and call back if any worse.
I have the most amazing Mistress, she stayed up all night with me holding an ice pack of frozen peas to my swollen face and making sure there was plenty to drink.
Morning arrived and I was dispatched to Melton Vets, Charlotte examined me and after two injections i went back home, pleased to say it`s starting to respond.

Heres a photo of what I should look like and one from last night…not a pretty sight and certainly not like my beautiful portrait from the Masters forthcoming Oil Pastel Book. What a trouper I am.. feel rubbish today and can still find the motivation to promote my owner/artist/author !!

Well I am signing off till next time, Charlotte said the injections could make me sleepy (thats my excuse, as there is a warm spot available on the conservatory sofa)

Freyja x
